Monday 18 October 2010

REVIEW: Editing Final Product

Editing the final product was a process of which I found challenging but enjoyable. The process of editing our film was a lengthly one but this was nessescary as the result of editing would be our final product. There were many different editing tools we used when creating our film such as cross-cutting, using different camera angles and also adding a soundtrack to our film.

When I first started the editing of our film, it was fair to say that it was a bit tough to work with but within a few weeks of editing I felt that I comfortably knew how to edit and the different tools associated with editing. The first thing I did when we started editing was get rid off all the unnessescary footage and make sure we kept the scenes we wanted to use in our film.

After this we used Adobe Premiere Elements to put our film together so it worked in motion. This is when we decided to experiment with different types of edits such as cross-cutting and quicker cuts, we felt as a group that these edits worked with the message that we were trying to convey. Therefore after experimenting with these edits we decided to use them in our Advanced Portfolio.

Using a soundtrack in our short film was something that we did not apply till the editing process as we had a list of songs that we felt would work well with our genre but we needed to view a roughly finished version of our film to decide which song to use. We decided to use Adeles' 'Make You Feel My Love' and more importantly that it would start once the mother in our film dropped her head after the father leaving, this was easy to achieve using Adobe Premiere Elements and as a group we found that this timing would make the song more hardhitting due to the pace and lyrics.
Editing the film was a process I throughly enjoyed as I am very proud with our final product.

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