Monday 18 October 2010

FILM: Organising Locations, Actors Etc

When thinking about the locations for filming during planning we brought into consideration which house would work the best for what we have wrote in the script. Also, when planning we had to look at who could play the part of the characters in our project. This was an important process as we have to find people who are commited to the project and also don't mind being in front of a camera. As Rebecca has acting experience and we could not find anyone who could be suitable to play the child in our film we decided that she would play this part, also when trying to find 'adults' to play the parents in our film we had no success therefore I took it upon myself to play the role of the father and we asked another student in our class, Emma, to play the role of the mother.

Props that we needed for the film mainly included photos and the heart shaped cut-out of the collection of photos, therefore these were the ones that were most important to make before we filmed. Other props that we needed included a paper, blankets, a mug, keys and scissors.

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