Monday 18 October 2010

POSTER: Analysing Conventions of Film Posters

When loooking at the conventions of film posters we looked at major feaure film posters but also past media A-Level students film posters. When analysing these film posters we looked at the conventions which are portryed in them. For example, we looked at the film poster for 'The Silence Of The Lambs' and at first we looked at the message we thought was conveyed from it but on a closer look we found that there was more to it than we thought. We found that on the face of the butterfly was a skull, but on a closer look we found that the skull was conveyed of the bodies of women. I think that this was a great use of conventions on film posters as in the film there is a running theme of women. Another convention shown on the 'Silence of the Lambs' film poster is the use of a women as the main figure and the red colour of her eyes. The redness shown could suggests some kind of death or danger that this women is going to recieve.

I think that researching the conventions of a film poster was very interesting as it showed me that more thought goes into developing these posters than I thought i.e the Silence of the Lambs poster. Having seen 'The Silence of the Lambs' I now believe that this film poster could show the public what the film would be about if they looked closer at the poster.

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