Monday 18 October 2010

POSTER: Drafting/Editing

When we were going through the processess of drafting up a film poster for our project, we each decided that after all drafting up a film poster each, that we would pick Rebeccas film poster draft. Rebecca, Rose and Myself felt that the draft contained all the conventions needed for a successful film poster. Our draft can be seen below:

At first sight, us as a group felt that one of the most important things to take from the draft into our final film poster was the frame in the picture. We felt that the frame and placing the child in the middle of the poster showed that this little girl was of importance to the film but also we thought that having a frame in a film poster was slightly uncoventional and was a sign of independence as not many film posters contain frames, we felt that using this in our final product may make the audience think that it is rather mysterious and wierd.

Below is our final film poster:

As you can see many of our original ideas have been replaced although their are some conventions and parts of out rough draft that have made it to the final product. I'd like to firstly talk about the main image of our girl, looking back at the draft we have stuck to the same idea of keeping the girl in the middle of the frame as we felt that this projected the fact that she is of a certain importanct to the film. Although, unlike the original we have not followed up with the concept of the shards of paper in the image. We felt that this would make the whole poster a bit too busy with paper everywhere which would take the focus off of the main image of the girl. When we were taking the image for our poster we thought that if the girl was to hold the scissors up instead of the scissors being copied onto the image, it draws in the audience as it is not usaul for a small, young girl to have some scissors also we felt it will make the audience think why has she got them? What is she going to do with them?. Blurring out the rest of the image around the girl on fireworks we felt was a good move as it again puts the main focus on the girl and the scissors.

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