Monday 18 October 2010

REVIEW: Analysing Design & Langauge Conventions of Magazine Reviews

When analysing the different conventions associated with film reviews it was important that you analyse the language and the design used in the review. The magazines i looked at were Empire, Sight and Sound and FHM.

When analysing the first review I looked at, Sight and Sounds review of 'The Final Destination', there were many conventions that had been used. For example, the convention of a trivia box was present in all three review that I looked at and also all three followed the conventions of columns in displaying the review in columns. Although, when looking at the language that all three magazines had used, it was clear that Sight and Sound was the most formal and analytical of all of the magazines as the other two magazines, mostly FHM, were for more straightforward with there review which can be seen as when they are giving their film review they follow a structure of What, Who and Where. Where as with Sight and Sound they go into depth with their review and Empire does the same.

Empire and FHM also use the same language convention when they both insert comic phrases and puns into their review which can offer the reader a break from an otherwise quite formal review, especailly in the Empire review.

All magazines use the design convention of a text to image ratio although they all show it in a different way. For example, Sight and Sound's text to image ratio is roughly about 80/20 and when comparing this to Empire's 60/40 and FHM's 70/30 it is clear that they are more focused on expressing what the film is about through it's text rather than images.

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