Monday 18 October 2010

POSTER: Choosing Most Appropriate Images

When we shot images for our poster, as a group, we conferred at which kinda images should be shown on our poster. This is an important decision to make as a group as people could have different feelings towards different images but also the image on the poster may be the convention that convinces the public to view our short film.

My draft of our film poster showed the little girl standing on her own in the middle of a room which did show the vunerability of the girl but we felt that this was not good enough although when we saw Rebeccas draft of our film poster we were positive that this image would work with what the message of the film was saying. It showed the little girl with her back to the camera whilst holding some scissors and this image is shown within a wooden frame, I straight away felt that this image would tell the story that we would want our film poster to convey.

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