Monday 18 October 2010

FILM: Reserch into Target Audience

When researching into a target audience we firstly had to bare in mind what genre the film was and who it would appeal to, Drama as a genre can be seen as a universal genre and people of all ages usally watch dramas. With this in mind we thought that our age range would be anyone from Young Teens onwards, this is because at this age the people will understand what is trying to be shown in the film. Also, when looking at the genre of our film we researched how other short films which are dramas were met.

Our target audience could also reach out to people who are in the same situation of that in our project, I think that this will show that the viewers who are in the same shoes are not the only ones. Mostly I think that the target audience will be filmlovers, other media students and adults although I feel that mature young adults would also enjoy the short film.

When looking at the ideology of the genre this could help us bare in mind the camera angles, costume, props, type of camera shots and mise-en-scene.

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