Monday 18 October 2010

FILM: Researching Other Short Films

To prepare for the making of my short film I did some research on YouTube by looking at other exsiting short films, I thought that this would give me a good idea of what a short film should be like and what it should consist of.

The first short film I viewed was Broken.

This short film showed me that diolouge in a short films is not all important, I think that this also help me in writing the script for our short film as our project is at times going to be short of diolouge and I thought it was important to see how this has worked in other short films as in feature films, there is alot more diolouge used throughout.

Another, short film that I researched on YouTube was Strangers.

This short film was also short on diolouge but more importantly I think that the message conveyed in the project was brillantly done and worked effectively. Messages are also shown in feature films but I have found that in shorter projects it is shown in far less time.

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